The National Council of the Bosniak National Minority had informed the Republic Electoral Commission that it had, at its Ninth Session, held on 22 November 2024, noted the termination of the term of office of council member Husein Memic who had resigned the post. Accordingly, the Republic Electoral Commission allocated a term of office of member of the Council of the Bosniak National Minority to the candidate next on the Electoral List Democratic Party of Sandzak – Husein Memic.
The Republic Electoral Commission then adopted a Decree on the allocation of an MP’s term of office for the purpose of filling a vacant seat at the National Assembly.
The National Assembly had informed the Republic Electoral Commission that, at the First Sitting of the First Regular Sessions of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, on 4 March 2025, it had noted the termination of the term of office of MPs Zivan Bajic and Dr Branko M. Vujkovic, elected from Electoral List ALEKSANDAR VUCIC – Serbia Must Not Stop, on the day they tendered their resignations.
The Republic Electoral Commission adopted the Decree on the allocation of a term of office for the purpose of filling a vacant seat at the National Assembly to the following candidates on the same Electoral List Nevena Veinovic and Ninoslav Eric
The session was chaired by Marko Jankovic, Deputy Chairperson of the Republic Electoral Commission.