At its 65th session, held on 25 November 2024, the Republic Electoral Commission adopted a Decree on the allocation of an MP’s term of office for the purpose of filling a vacant seat at the National Assembly.
At its 65th session, held on 25 November 2024, the Republic Electoral Commission adopted a Decree on the allocation of an MP’s term of office for the purpose of filling a vacant seat at the National Assembly.
The National Assembly informed the Republic Electoral Commission that, on 25 November 2024, at the Second Sitting of the Second Regular Session of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia in 2024, it had noted the termination of the term of office of MPs Vladan Zagradjanin and Dragana Lukic on the day they tendered their resignations, and Dragan D. Markovic, on the day of his death.
The Republic Electoral Commission adopted a Decree on the allocation of an MP’s term of office for the purpose of filling a vacant seat at the National Assembly and allocated terms of office to the following candidates: Dr Marko Milenkovic elected from Electoral List ALEKSANDAR VUCIC – Serbia Must Not Stop, and Vojislav Vujic and Aleksandar Antic elected from Electoral List IVICA DACIC – PRIME MINISTER OF SERBIA.
The Republic Electoral Commission went on to adopt the Decision establishing the 2024 annual public procurement plan.
The session was chaired by Vladimir Dimitrijevic, Chairperson of the Republic Electoral Commission.